Tuesday, April 17, 2007

IGA immunofluroscence

IGA Nephropathy

Friday, April 13, 2007

End Stage Kidney - Wide spread replacement of glomerular tufts by avascular hyaline. Expanded interstitial spaces are seen. Dialatation of tubules and protinaecious material visible. Scars may be visible. Grossly , the kidneys are small, firm with symmetrical atrphic thining of cortex.

Crescentric Glomerulonephritis - The 'C' shaped proliferation of the Bowman's capsule cells make this and easily identifiable pathalogy. The coninued proliferation can lead to RPGN which is seen in Goodpastures synd.
Mesangiocapillary Glomerulonephritis - also called as Membrenoproliferative Gn. it may be primary or occur iwth SLE. the differnetiating feature is reduplication of GBM. There is and infilteration of leukocytes. the mesengial cellularity is also increased.

Diabetic Nephropathy- thickend basement menbrane can be visualised. the label is placed over the slide

Diabetic nephropathy - Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesion the hallmark daibetic glomerulosclerosis

Postinfectious Glomerulonephritis- This a a global diffuse Gn, commonly seen in children. An episode of streptococcal infection precedes the pathology. Large number of PMN are seen, A feature that is chracteristic of Acute poststreptococcal Gn.

Postinectious Glomerulonephritis- A diffuse proliferative postinfectious Gn. Several PMNs are visible .the obstruction to the glomerular cappilary leads to a reductio in glomerular fliteration and leads to a leakge of erythrocytes.ide

MCD - here the effacement of the foot process is clearly visible along the visceral epithelia

Minimal Change Disease- this is a light microscopic view, decpicting the thinning of glumerular basement mebrane. There is no fibrosis or any other reamarkable change